
Before giving us a call, have you tried everything?

Clogged Sink

Invest in a good plunger 

Not all plungers are the same, we hear many customers say that they have tried to unclog their own drain. We come to find that they used a lunger that was bought at Wal-mart or dollorama. Like any tool, you don't want to save a few bucks only to spend several hundred later on.

Leaky Faucets or Pipes

Old spray bottle with soap

Pour a little bit of soapy water down the sink, or brush it with soapy water. This will show you where the cracks are, slow leaks can often be more pricey than fast leaks. You don't want to get water damage over the years as oppose to a tech coming in fixing the problem and mopping up the fast leak. 

Changing Sinks or Pipes

Need or Want?

A lot of home owners want to have the elegent look of a sink, toilet, shower stall, etc. When you call a plumber, let them know exactly what you want. Plan out a budget, and paint a perfect picture for your technician of your dream bathroom. This will save time and money for you to fulfill your needs and wants.